• The building sector has a tremendous impact on the environment
  • According to the US Dept of Energy, buildings in the US consume more than 30% of our total energy and 60% of our electricity annually.
  • Five billion gallons of potable water are used to flush toilets daily
  • A typical North American commercial construction project generates up to 2.5 pounds of solid waste per SF of floor space.
  • Green building practices can substantially reduce the negative environmental impacts associated with these buildings and reverse the trend of unsustainable construction activities.
  • Green design also reduces operating costs, enhances building marketability, potentially increases occupant productivity and helps create a sustainable community.
  • Studies of workers in green buildings reported productivity gains of up to 16% including reductions in absenteeism and improved work quality, based on “people-friendly” green design.
  • Having a ‘healthy home’ gives many of the same benefits as in the workplace. Green buildings have proved to reduce allergies, as well as toxins within the household.
  • According to the Green Building Resource Center from Global Green, more than 30% of buildings in the US have poor indoor air quality, which is a serious problem, given that most people spend about 90% of their time indoors.
  • In commercial settings, green building results in improved occupant health and comfort (primarily due to indoor air quality measures and day lighting) which in turn leads to higher productivity, less absenteeism, and reduced insurance costs and liability risk.